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Rockford Woodlawn Fund, Inc.Welcome to Rod Lambert, president of the newly funded Rockford Woodlawn Fund

Welcome to Delaware Grantmakers!

Delaware Grantmakers was pocket option created to strengthen philanthropy in Delaware by providing information, education, networking and collaboration opportunities.

Our Mission:  

The Delaware Grantmakers Association advances the growth of effective philanthropy that promotes improved quality of life in Delaware through education, networking, and collaboration.

Our Vision: 

The Delaware Grantmakers Association leads pocketoption the state and the region by influencing effective and strategic philanthropy that results in measurable gains for all Delawareans.

The Delaware Grantmakers Association exists to provide information, education, networking and collaboration opportunities to individuals, corporations, and foundations who make significant charitable contributions in Delaware, and to strengthen philanthropy through public information and advocacy. It also works to increase the number of institutional donors supporting nonprofits in the state.

Johnson Amendment Update (5/4/17) - President Trump's Executive Order related to the Johnson Amendment

Affordable Care Act Replace & Repeal Update (5/4/17) - The House of Representative passed a bill to replace and repeal significant portions of the Affordable Care Act

Charitable Deduction Update (5/4/17) - The White House shared details about its tax plan that could deeply impact the philanthropic sector

Philanthropy Cannot Fill the Gap - Read more on how President Trump's 2018 budget could significantly affect foundation giving
   (Content provided by our friends at Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers)

What Trump's budget means for government grant managers (opinion) - On March 15, the Office of Management and Budget released President Donald Trump’s first federal budget. Listed here are several potential takeaways for federal grant managers.

Back from the Brink - Hundreds of grant makers are pocketoption demo looking for lessons in how foundations were able to breathe new life into Detroit

Effective Philanthropy: Working with grantees - The organizations you decide to fund are doing most of the heaviest lifting, so it's no stretch to say that your most important job is choosing grantees wisely.

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Balancing Family Privacy and Public Trust: Transparency in Family Philanthropy

2017 DANA Annual Conference feat. Gov. Carney and David Grant

Midwest Family Foundation Series | Exploring Affective vs Effective Grantmaking

Do More 24 Delaware

Grantmaking Fundamentals Workshop 2017, presented by Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers


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Membership is open to individuals, foundations, and corporations who make philanthropic contributions in Delaware. 

Please use our website to share information, collaborate, exchange and grow – that's why we're here and we hope you are too. Engage and explore anytime, from anywhere there's a web connection.

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Delaware Grantmakers Association
100 West 10th Street, Suite 500 | Wilmington DE 19801
302.588-1342 |